Friday, September 24, 2010

The Ring of a Tailor

The little Seamstress’s father was always referred to as “The Tailor”. In the book he is awarded the same level of respect and even reverence as a lord. The only reason why he is treated this way is because he is the only tailor in the area and even the mountain that Ma and Lou are stuck on. The tailor is a quirky man. He understands that he has power and he uses it. One way he uses his power is to get his way and be able to stay with Ma and Lou so Ma can tell the Tailor stories from forbidden western books that Ma has memorized.
Ma continues to tell the stories he has read to the Tailor over time. One time the Tailor goes to the village Ma and Lou are in and stays for the night. Over that night Ma recounts a story to the Tailor. He is so enraptured by the story that they stay up all night while Ma tells his tale. Soon after the Tailor comes back and stays even longer, insisting that Ma tell him more. This happens quite often, with the Tailor staying over here and there.
As Ma tells the Tailor these stories, the Tailor begins to change his tailoring based on the parts of the stories he has heard. The clothing the Tailor makes becomes more elegant, his style more and more influenced by the stories the Ma is telling him. Since the Tailor has the power of his station as a tailor he can make these thing happen. Like for example he arranges to stay with Lou and Ma for extended periods of time and stay up all night long listening to Ma and occasionally Lou recount stories to him.
The reason why this is important is because these books and ideas are forbidden and illegal in China and these three share them quite frequently. It also goes to show what just a few stories from a few books can do to somebody in a short amount of time.

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