Monday, September 27, 2010

The Little Seamstress

In the story Balzac and the Little Chinese seamstress, one of the main prevelant characters in the story was in fact the Little Seamstress. She had a big impact on both of the main characters/ narrator. Both boys had feelings for her and were willing to do anything to help her. Both boy’s, now educated had the knowledge and ability to see that the little seamstress was uneducated. They not only saw this but now had the ability to assure that she becomes educated. They knew that uneducated her future was bleak but with their help and a subpar education in a very uneducated area she would be able to shine like no other. Little did they know she would leave them at the end of the story.
One of the main parts of this story is when Lou impregnates the little seamstress; due to the fact that Lou and the little seamstress were not married it was illegal for this to happen. Without Lou’s consent the narrator takes the little Chinese seamstress to get an abortion. While this was occurring Lou was away for a month due to the fact that his mother was ill. They decide to not tell Lou that the seamstress is pregnant I assume to prevent him from worrying. When the narrator takes The Seamstress for the abortion they are informed that the abortion is an illegal procedure because due to the fact that it’s illegal for her to be pregnant in the first place. At first the narrator try’s lying the Doctor to get the abortion to go through the narrator says that it was his sister but sadly the doctor knew the family, which is also the reason he was doing it and catches the narrator in the lie. He then tells the Doctor that it is his girlfriend and that he desperately needs the abortion to take place. He gives the doctor one of the western books that he stole from Four Eyes that were banned by the government, in exchange for the abortion. I feel that if Lou was responsible they never would have been put into this situation but because he wasn’t it would have been in the best interest of everyone if they had told him of his mistake and had him help solve the issue.

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